水处理化学品 | 使用 WaterCareChem 提高水质





同义词: 聚合氯化铝 (PAC);水合氯化铝;聚羟基氯化铝;水合氯化铝;碱式氯化铝;聚合氯化铝;聚合氯化铝 (PAC);聚羟基氯化铝;聚碱式氯化铝
化学文摘社编号 1327-41-9
HS 编码: 28273200
外观 白色、黄色、金色、棕色
分子式 Aln(OH)mCl3n-m(0 < m <3n)
技术标准: GB15892-2020
包装 每个 PP 编织袋 25 千克,或按客户要求定制
应用: PAC 广泛用作饮用水处理和工业废水处理中的混凝剂,在造纸、纺织印染、采矿、石油开采、农业、水产养殖等多个行业中都有应用。PAC 广泛的适用性使其成为多个行业水处理的通用解决方案。


Understanding the Variants of Polyaluminum Chloride: Types, Colors, and Applications.




食品级聚合氯化铝外观一般为白色粉末,简称白聚铝,多用于饮用水处理、医药和化妆品辅料,以及一些高新科技研究等。一般采用喷雾干燥工艺制成,白色聚合氯化铝的氧化铝含量大于 30%。

饮用水级聚合氯化铝外观为黄色或金黄色不规则颗粒,也是采用喷雾干燥式工艺制成,是造纸厂、印染厂、皮革厂、电厂、城市污水处理和污水处理厂最重要的净水剂之一。饮用水级聚合氯化铝的氧化铝含量一般在 26% 和 30% 之间,市场上一般有 26、28、30 这三种规格的产品。

工业级聚合氯化铝的外观通常为褐色或黄色颗粒,一般采用滚筒烘干工艺,在工业废水处理中效果极佳。工业级聚合氯化铝的含量在 22% 到 30% 之间,市场上工业级聚合氯化铝的规格从 22 到 30 不等,差别较大,请谨慎购买。


  1. 白色聚合氯化铝 是一种新开发的新型净水材料,专业用于食品、饮用水、城市供水、精密制造净水、造纸业、医药、糖液精制、化妆品助剂、日用化工等行业。它的应用范围非常广泛,纯度非常高,价格也是最高的。
  2. 黄色聚合氯化铝 是仅次于白色聚合氯化铝的高系列产品,主要用于重金属含量限制较为严格的饮用水处理,特别是我公司生产的饮用水级聚合氯化铝产品,用其处理后的水澄清无沉淀,AL2O3含量在30(±0.5)左右,粉体细腻,颗粒均匀,絮凝效果好,净化效率高且稳定,加药量。用量少,成本低,是各大水厂长期合作的专用水处理絮凝剂。
  3. 金色聚氯化铝 是目前市场上应用最广泛的聚合氯化铝,用作污水处理的高效絮凝剂,具有良好的絮凝效果,是工业供水、工业废水、工业循环水和城市污水处理的最佳选择。
  4. 棕色咖喱聚合氯化铝 是针对个别客户对水处理的特殊要求而生产的水处理产品,其中铁含量高于其他聚合氯化铝系列产品,因此颜色较深呈金黄色。对于低温、低浊、高藻污水有较强的处理效果,主要用于饮用水、城市供水、工业用水净化等方面的处理。


决定聚氯化铝质量的碱度、pH 值和氧化铝含量是聚氯化铝最重要的三个质量指标。

  1. 碱性.PAC (聚合氯化铝)中某种形式的羟基化或碱化程度称为盐化或碱化程度。一般用羟基铝的摩尔比 B=[OH]/[Al] 百分比来表示。盐度是聚合氯化铝最重要的指标之一,与絮凝效果密切相关。原水浓度越高,盐度越大,絮凝效果越好。综上所述,在原水浊度为 86~10000 mg/L 的范围内,聚合氯化铝的最佳碱度为 409~853,聚合氯化铝的许多其他特性都与碱度有关。
  2. pH 值.PAC(聚合氯化铝)溶液的 pH 值也是一个重要指标。它代表溶液中游离 OH- 的数量。聚合氯化铝的 pH 值一般随盐度的增加而增加,但对于不同成分的液体,pH 值与盐度之间并没有相应的关系。盐度浓度相同的液体,当其浓度不同时,pH 值也不同。
  3. 氧化铝含量.PAC(聚合氯化铝)中的氧化铝含量是产品有效成分的衡量标准。它与溶液的相对密度有一定的关系。一般来说,相对密度越大,氧化铝含量越高。聚合氯化铝的粘度与氧化铝含量有关,氧化铝含量越高,粘度越大。在相同条件和相同氧化铝浓度下,聚合氯化铝的粘度低于硫酸铝,更便于运输和使用。

Key Features & Benefits:

  • Unmatched Impurity Removal: With its robust composition, Poly Aluminum Chloride excels in clarifying water by efficiently removing dirt, oil, and other contaminants.
  • Safe & Non-toxic: Rigorously tested and verified, our product ensures a safe water treatment process, maintaining the balance of the ecosystem while providing superior results.
  • Cost-effective Treatment: Poly Aluminum Chloride is an affordable option that delivers high-quality, industrial-grade water purification without breaking the bank.
  • Versatile Applications: This dynamic compound is suitable for an array of settings, including water treatment facilities, industrial and pool water treatments, and the challenging demands of various industrial wastewater systems.
  • Ease of Application: PAC is available in liquid or solid forms, providing flexibility in application methods. It can be easily dosed and mixed into water systems, allowing for efficient and convenient usage.

Designed for water treatment facility managers, industrial plant operators, pool maintenance professionals, and environmental engineers, Poly Aluminum Chloride stands out as an industry standard.

Technical Details & Specifications:

  • Chemical Composition: Poly aluminum chloride is mainly composed of aluminum ions and chloride ions catering to a wide range of pH levels and contaminant profiles for optimal performance.
  • Dosage Guidelines: Tailored recommendations based on water characteristics and treatment requirements for maximum efficiency.

Packaging and storage:

  • Packaging: The solid product is packaged in 25kg bags, with an inner layer of plastic film and an outer layer of plastic woven material.
  • Storage: Store the Poly Aluminum Chloride products indoors in a dry, well-ventilated, and cool environment, away from moisture. Storage with flammable, corrosive, or toxic substances is strictly prohibited.

Upgrade your water treatment process with Poly Aluminum Chloride — crystal clear water, transformed with care and precision. Embrace the high-caliber, pollution-free water that your facility deserves. Let clarity take its course, catalyzed by Poly Aluminum Chloride.

Water Treatment | Flocculant | Coagulant | Inorganic Polymer

Direct Factory Purchase of PAC for Accessibility and Affordability

聚合氯化铝 is conveniently available for direct purchase from WaterCareChem. With a competitive price point, it offers an economical solution without compromising on its exceptional performance, ensuring efficient of your needs.


Get your hands on this product via Factory Directly, ensuring a swift and hassle-free shipment. Your search for a comprehensive Polyaluminum Chloride ends here.


  1. PAC
  2. Aluminum polychloride
  3. Aluminum chlorohydrate
  4. Aluminum hydroxychloride
  5. Liquid PAC
  6. PACl (Poly Aluminum Chloride)
  7. Polyaluminum chloride

Why Buy 聚合氯化铝 from WaterCareChem?

WaterCareChem is premier Supplier of Innovative Water Treatment Chemicals. Here’s why you should choose us:

  1. 无与伦比的品质,直达源头: When you buy  Poly Aluminum Chloride from WaterCareChem, you’re getting it directly from the factory. Our rigorous quality control processes ensure that you receive the high purity product 在市场上。
  2. 产品范围广: WaterCareChem offers a wide range of Water Treatment Chemicals, including 聚合氯化铝以满足不同的要求。
  3. 专业知识和经验: With our experience, we have a deep understanding of 聚合氯化铝. Our expert possesses extensive knowledge in the industry and can provide valuable guidance and support. By choosing WaterCareChem, you benefit from our expertise, ensuring that you make informed decisions and achieve optimal results.
  4. 定制选项: 我们深知,不同的客户可能会有独特的要求。我们提供以下定制选项 聚合氯化铝 产品,让您可以根据具体需求定制配方、浓度和包装。
  5. 有竞争力的定价: 我们努力为我们的客户提供具有竞争力的价格。 聚合氯化铝 product without compromising on quality. We aim to provide cost-effective products for water treatment, helping you achieve efficient and sustainable results while keeping your expenses in check.
  6. 卓越的客户服务: 我们致力于提供卓越的客户服务。我们将客户满意度放在首位,力求在购买过程中的每一步都超越客户的期望。无论您是有疑问、需要帮助还是需要购后支持,我们热情友好、知识渊博的客户服务团队都将随时为您提供帮助。
  7. 可靠的供应链: 我们的生产基地配备了自动化生产线,拥有可靠的供应链,可确保及时交付您的产品。 聚合氯化铝 需要。

选择 WaterCareChem 作为您的以下产品的供应商 聚合氯化铝, you can benefit from our high-quality products, industry expertise, customization options, competitive pricing, and excellent customer service. We are dedicated to helping you meet your Water Treatment needs effectively and efficiently.

Looking for a reliable source to Polyaluminum Chloride?

Look no further than WaterCareChem! We are your trusted supplier and factory specializing in Poly Aluminum Chloride. With our expertise and commitment to excellence, we provide a premium PAC product that ensures unmatched stability and effectiveness for your Water Treatment needs. Trust WaterCareChem for reliable and top-notch solutions.



The Composition and main Classifications of Polyaluminum Chloride



聚合硫酸铁 (PFS):水净化和水处理的强大解决方案

高品质非离子聚丙烯酰胺 (NPAM):工业应用和水处理解决方案中不可或缺的聚合物

Cationic Polyacrylamide (CPAM): Versatile Polymer for Effective Water Treatment and Flocculation

阴离子聚丙烯酰胺 (APAM) 粉末:用于水处理和工业应用的高性能絮凝剂

了解聚丙烯酰胺 (PAM) 在各行各业的用途



Premium Solid Drinking Water Grade Polyaluminum Chloride – Superior Water Treatment Chemical



Introduction to the Classification of Polyaluminum Chloride (PAC) Products

Different Applications of Poly-Aluminum Chloride (PAC) Produced by Different Processes


    Test items Standard Requirement Report
    Aluminum oxide content% ≥28 28.36
    PH 3.5-5.0 4.5
    碱性 40-90 48
    Water insoluble matter % ≤0.6 0.03
    Arsenic (AS)% ≤0.0002 0.00011
    Lead (Pb)% ≤0.001 0.00023
    Mercury(Hg)% ≤0.00001 Not detected
    Hexavalent chromium (Cr+6)% ≤0.0005 0.00003
    外观 Light yellow or golden yellow powder, granule



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