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Cocamidopropyl Betaine CAB-35

Синонимы: CAPB, Cocamidopropyl betaine, Lauroamide propyl betaine, Coconut amide propyl betaine, Cocoamidopropyl dimethyl Betaine
CAS No.: 61789-40-0
Einec No.: 263-058-8
Содержание активного вещества %: 30、35、40、45、55 ± 2
Место происхождения: Китай
Внешний вид: colorless to yellowish clear viscous liquid
Молекулярная формула: C19H38N2O3
Приложение: Cocamidopropyl Betaine (CAB) is a versatile ingredient used in various products such as shampoo, bath liquid, baby care items, hair care, skin care, and as a detergent, wetting agent, thickening agent, antistatic agent, and fungicide.

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Discover the Versatility of Cocamidopropyl Betaine (CAB) in Cosmetics and Cleaning Products!

Unveil the diverse applications of CAB in cosmetics and cleaning products, harnessing its versatile properties for gentle yet effective cleansing and conditioning.

What is Cocamidopropyl Betaine (CAB) and its applications?

Cocamidopropyl betaine (CAB/CAPB) is an new Amphoteric Surfactant derived from coconut oil and dimethylaminopropylamine renowned for its excellent stability under both acidic and alkaline conditions. It exhibits cationic and anionic properties, making it a versatile choice for formulators across industries. It is frequently paired with anionic, cationic, and nonionic surfactants due to its excellent compatibility. This versatile compound boasts minimal irritation, easy water solubility, and stability in both acidic and alkaline environments. With abundant foam, potent cleansing power, and exceptional thickening abilities, it enhances softness, conditioning, and low-temperature stability in detergent products. It effectively mitigates the irritation caused by fatty alcohol sulfate or fatty alcohol ether sulfate in the product, offering gentler properties compared to BS-12.

Applications of CAB, including:

  1. Shampoo, bath liquid, sanitizer, foam cleanser, and household detergent formulations: CAB is widely used as a key ingredient in these formulations, providing effective cleansing, foaming, and mildness.
  2. Mild baby shampoo and baby bubble bath: CAB is the main component in the preparation of gentle and mild formulations for baby care products, ensuring a safe and non-irritating cleansing experience for delicate baby skin.
  3. Baby skin care products: CAB is utilized in various baby skin care formulations, such as lotions and creams, due to its mildness and compatibility with sensitive skin.
  4. Hair care and skin care recipes: Cocamidopropyl Betaine acts as an excellent softening conditioner in hair care and skin care products, enhancing the conditioning and moisturizing properties of the formulations.
  5. Detergents and wetting agent: CAB can be used as a detergent, effectively removing dirt and impurities. It also serves as a wetting agent, improving the spreadability and contact of liquids on surfaces.
  6. Thickening agent: CAB exhibits thickening properties, making it suitable for formulations that require increased viscosity and stability.
  7. Antistatic agent: In certain applications, CAB can act as an antistatic agent, reducing static electricity and improving the overall performance of products.
  8. Fungicide: CAB possesses antimicrobial properties, making it useful as a fungicide in various formulations where fungal growth needs to be controlled.

It is a versatile ingredient that finds extensive use in a wide range of personal care, household, and industrial products, providing gentle cleansing, conditioning, and functional benefits.

Key Features & Benefits of CAB:

  1. Mild and Gentle: Gentle on the skin, making it suitable for sensitive skin types.
  2. Versatile: Compatible with a wide range of surfactants, enhancing the formulation’s performance.
  3. Foam Booster: Improves foam stability and volume in cleansing products, enhancing the user experience.
  4. Thickening Agent: Adds viscosity to formulations, contributing to the product’s texture and feel.
  5. Conditioning Properties: Leaves the skin and hair feeling soft and moisturized after use.
  6. Biodegradable: Environmentally friendly, as it readily breaks down in natural ecosystems.
  7. pH Stability: Maintains stability across a wide range of pH levels, ensuring product effectiveness in various formulations.
  8. Wide Range of Applications: CAB finds extensive use in various industries, including personal care, household cleaning, and industrial applications. It is utilized in shampoos, body washes, hand soaps, household detergents, and more, providing its beneficial properties across different product categories.

Cocamidopropyl Betaine (CAB) offers a multitude of features and benefits, making it a versatile and valuable ingredient in the formulation of personal care and cleaning products. Its gentle cleansing, compatibility, conditioning, and stability-enhancing properties contribute to the overall performance and appeal of various consumer products.

Packaging and Storage CAB:

  • Packaging: 200kg per plastic drum, 1000kg IBC
  • Требования к хранению:

Keep CAB away from heat sources.
Store in a sealed container or packaging in a cool, dry place away from sunlight and moisture.

  • Срок годности:

With proper packing and storage conditions, the guaranteed shelf life is 24 months.

 CAB Surfactant | CAB-35 | Coconut oil derivative

Прямые заводские закупки для доступности и дешевизны

Cocamidopropyl Betaine (CAB), a high-quality Amphoteric Surfactant, is conveniently available for direct purchase from WaterCareChem. With a competitive price point, it offers an economical solution without compromising on its exceptional performance, ensuring efficient of your needs.


Приобретайте этот продукт через прямые поставки с завода, что гарантирует быструю и беспроблемную доставку. Ваши поиски комплексного моющего средства закончатся здесь.

Для получения дополнительной информации и заказа свяжитесь с нашим отделом продаж прямо сейчас.

Synonyms for Cocamidopropyl Betaine (CAB) включают:

  1. CAPB (Abbreviation for Cocamidopropyl Betaine)
  2. Coconut oil-derived betaine
  3. Coco betaine
  4. Coconut betaine
  5. Coconut oil betaine
  6. CAPB surfactant
  7. Coconut-derived surfactant
  8. Dimethylaminopropylamidopropyl betaine (DMAPA-Betaine)
  9. Coconut oil-based conditioner
  10. Amphoteric surfactant derived from coconut oil

How to Buy Cocamidopropyl Betaine (CAB) from WaterCareChem?

  1. Посетите сайт watercarechem.com: Откройте предпочтительный веб-браузер и введите watercarechem.com в строке поиска. Это приведет вас на официальный сайт WaterCareChem.
  2. Изучите ассортимент продукции: Оказавшись на сайте, не спешите изучать широкий ассортимент поверхностно-активных веществ. Щелкните по продуктам, чтобы перейти на страницы с подробной информацией.
  3. Свяжитесь с WaterCareChem и договоритесь о сделке: После того, как вы нашли продукт ПАВ, удовлетворяющий вашим требованиям, вы можете связаться с WaterCareChem напрямую, чтобы договориться о сделке. Вы также можете запросить образцы, чтобы оценить качество продукции перед принятием окончательного решения.
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  5. Осмотрите изделия: По завершении производства у вас есть возможность пригласить третью сторону для проверки товара на предмет его соответствия вашим конкретным требованиям. Этот шаг позволяет гарантировать качество и соответствие продукта ПАВ.
  6. Получите свой товар: Последний шаг - получение товара. Независимо от того, идет ли речь о заказе полного контейнера или о небольших партиях, WaterCareChem предлагает надежные и прозрачные варианты доставки. Вы можете воспользоваться услугами собственного транспортного агентства, чтобы обеспечить бесперебойную работу, или WaterCareChem организует доставку в указанный вами порт выгрузки или пункт назначения. Для заказов с полной загрузкой контейнеров предлагаются конкурентоспособные тарифы и эффективные процессы обработки. Для небольших заказов предлагаются экономичные решения по доставке, такие как авиаперевозки или сборные грузы.

Следуя вышеупомянутым шагам, вы сможете с удобством приобрести Cocamidopropyl Betaine (CAB) от компании WaterCareChem, надежного поставщика высококачественных ПАВ.

Why Buy CAB from WaterCareChem?

WaterCareChem is premier Supplier of Innovative Surfactant Chemicals. Here’s why you should choose us:

  1. Непревзойденное качество прямо из источника: When you buy Surfactant (CAB) from WaterCareChem, you’re getting it directly from the factory. Our rigorous quality control processes ensure that you receive the high purity CAB on the market.
  2. Широкий ассортимент продукции: WaterCareChem offers a wide range of Surfactant chemicals, including Cocamidopropyl Betaine (CAB), to cater to different requirements.
  3. Экспертиза и опыт: With our experience, we have a deep understanding of surfactant. Our expert possesses extensive knowledge in the industry and can provide valuable guidance and support. By choosing WaterCareChem, you benefit from our expertise, ensuring that you make informed decisions and achieve optimal results.
  4. Варианты настройки: We understands that different customers may have unique requirements. We offer customization options for Cocamidopropyl Betaine (CAB) products, allowing you to tailor the formulation, concentration, and packaging according to your specific needs.
  5. Конкурентные цены: We strives to offer competitive pricing for our Cocamidopropyl Betaine (CAB) products without compromising on quality. We aim to provide cost-effective products for water treatment, helping you achieve efficient and sustainable results while keeping your expenses in check.
  6. Отличное обслуживание клиентов: We are committed to providing exceptional customer service. We prioritize customer satisfaction and aim to exceed expectations at every step of the buying process. Whether you have inquiries, require assistance, or need post-purchase support, our friendly and knowledgeable customer service team is ready to help.
  7. Надежная цепочка поставок: Our production base, equipped with automated production line, empowers us with a dependable supply chain that guarantees the timely delivery of your Cocamidopropyl Betaine (CAB) needs.

By choosing WaterCareChem as your supplier of CAB, you can benefit from our high-quality products, industry expertise, customization options, competitive pricing, and excellent customer service. We are dedicated to helping you meet your surfactant needs effectively and efficiently.

Looking for a reliable source to Cocamidopropyl Betaine (CAB)?

Look no further than WaterCareChem! We are your trusted supplier and factory specializing in Surfactants. With our expertise and commitment to excellence, we provide a premium CAB product that ensures unmatched stability and effectiveness for all your Surfactant needs. Trust WaterCareChem for reliable and top-notch solutions.

Item Specificationss
Appearance (25°C) colorless to yellowish clear viscous liquid
Активное вещество, % 30.0 ± 1.0
Sodium chloride, % ≤ 6
pH value (5% water solution, 25°C) 4.5 〜7.0
Color, Hazen≤ 100
Free tertiary amine, % ≤ 0.5
Glycolic acid, % ≤ 0.5
Chloroacetic acid,mg/kg ≤ 10

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