


同義語: HPAA; HPA; 2-Hydroxyphosphonocarboxylic Acid; Hydroxyphosphono-acetic acid; 2-Hydroxy phosphonoacetic acid
CAS番号: 23783-26-8
HSコード: 2931.39.0030
固形分: ≥50%
外観: deep umber-colored liquid
分子式: C2H5O6P
申し込み: HPAA is widely used as a corrosion inhibitor in various industries, such as steel, petrochemical, electric power, and pharmaceuticals, effectively preventing corrosion and scale formation in cooling water systems and exhibiting synergistic effects when combined with zinc salts or other additives.


2-Hydroxy Phosphonoacetic Acid (HPAA) Product Description

Elevate your industrial water management with HPAA (2-Hydroxy Phosphonoacetic Acid), the premier choice for combating scale and corrosion. Specially designed for a broad spectrum of industrial applications, that provides unmatched protection and efficiency, ensuring your systems run smoothly and last longer.

What is 2-Hydroxy Phosphonoacetic Acid (HPAA) and its applications?

2-Hydroxy Phosphonoacetic Acid is a chemical compound with the molecular formula C2H5O6P. It is a deep umber-colored liquid that is soluble in water, ethanol and ether. HPAA is widely used as a scale and corrosion inhibitor in various industrial applications.

HPAA (2-Hydroxy Phosphonoacetic Acid) demonstrates remarkable chemical stability, resisting hydrolysis and degradation by acids and alkalis. It is a safe and reliable compound, non-toxic and environmentally friendly. With its ability to enhance zinc solubility and provide strong corrosion inhibition, HPAA outperforms 5-8 times HEDP and EDTMP in terms of corrosion control. It serves as an excellent cathodic corrosion inhibitor for metals, widely applied in industries such as steel, petrochemicals, power generation, and pharmaceuticals for corrosion and scale inhibition in circulating cooling water systems. It is especially suitable for water conditions with low hardness and high susceptibility to corrosion, making it an ideal choice for regions with low water hardness and high susceptibility to corrosion.

When combined with low molecular polymers, its corrosion inhibition effect is further enhanced, providing even better protection.

The key applications of HPAA including:

  1. It is extensively employed as a cathodic corrosion inhibitor for metals in industries including steel, petrochemical, electric power, and pharmaceuticals.
  2. It is highly effective in preventing corrosion and scale formation in circulating cooling water systems.
  3. It serves as an excellent corrosion inhibitor in regions with low hardness and high susceptibility to corrosion.
  4. Combining HPAA with low molecular weight polymers and organic corrosion and scale inhibitors further enhances its performance.
  5. When compounded with zinc salts, it exhibits superior synergistic effects, providing enhanced corrosion and scale inhibition.
  6. In the oilfield refill water system, it is mainly used as a cathode corrosion inhibitor.

Key Product Features

  1. Corrosion Inhibition: it is an excellent corrosion inhibitor, effectively protecting metals from corrosion in various industrial applications.
  2. Scale Inhibition: it helps prevent the formation of scale on surfaces, such as pipes, heat exchangers, and membranes, ensuring efficient operation and reducing maintenance requirements.
  3. Low Phosphorus: HPAA exhibits a significantly lower total phosphorus content compared to traditional organophosphorus compounds such as HEDP and ATMP. This characteristic aligns with the “low phosphorus” environmental policy. By using HPAA, industries can adhere to the regulations and guidelines aimed at reducing phosphorus discharge and promoting environmental sustainability.
  4. Chemical Stability: it exhibits high chemical stability, making it resistant to hydrolysis and degradation by acids and alkalis. This stability ensures its effectiveness over a wide range of operating conditions.
  5. Safety and Reliability: it is a safe and reliable compound, with no toxicity or pollution concerns. Its use does not pose risks to human health or the environment.
  6. Solubility Enhancement: it improves the solubility of zinc, which is beneficial in various applications where zinc is involved, such as corrosion inhibition and the stabilization of metal surfaces.
  7. Synergistic Effects: it can be combined with low molecular weight polymers and other organic corrosion inhibitors to enhance its performance and achieve synergistic effects in corrosion and scale control.
  8. Wide Range of Applications: it finds application in diverse industries, including water treatment, oil and gas, textiles, metal treatment, household cleaning products, and agriculture.

Instructions for Use of 2-Hydroxy Phosphonoacetic Acid:

  1. It is typically added directly into the water treatment system and is commonly available in liquid form.
  2. The recommended dosage usually ranges from 5-50 mg/L. However, the specific dosage should be adjusted based on factors such as water quality and equipment requirements.
  3. It can be used in combination with other corrosion inhibitors, bactericides, flocculants, and similar substances to enhance the effectiveness of water treatment.
  4. Combining HPAA with other chemicals like copper sulfate or ferric chloride can further improve the overall water treatment efficiency.
  5. It is suitable for use in various water treatment equipment, including cooling water circulating systems, boiler water circulating systems, and industrial circulating water systems.

HPAA is an extensively used organic phosphonic acid corrosion inhibitor in the field of water treatment. It can be conveniently added to water treatment systems, combined with other chemicals, and applied to different types of water treatment equipment to achieve optimal results.


When handling HPAA (2-Hydroxy phosphonoacetic acid), it is essential to follow safety precautions to ensure personal safety and minimize any potential risks. Here are the safety precautions:

  1. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Wear appropriate PPE, including chemical-resistant gloves, safety goggles, and protective clothing, to prevent direct contact.
  2. Ventilation: Work in a well-ventilated area or use local exhaust ventilation to maintain a sufficient airflow and minimize the inhalation of vapors or mists.
  3. Storage: Store in a cool, dry, and well-ventilated area away from incompatible substances. Keep the containers tightly closed and properly labeled to prevent accidental spills or leaks.
  4. Handling: Avoid direct skin contact. Use appropriate handling equipment, such as pumps or transfer devices, to minimize the risk of exposure. Do not eat, drink, or smoke while handling the chemical.
  5. Spill and Leak Response: In case of a spill or leak, contain the area to prevent further spreading. Absorb or neutralize the spilled material using suitable absorbents or neutralizing agents. Dispose of the waste according to local regulations.
  6. First Aid: In case of skin contact, immediately wash the affected area with plenty of water and remove contaminated clothing. In case of eye contact, rinse the eyes thoroughly with water for at least 15 minutes while keeping the eyelids open. If swallowed or inhaled, seek medical attention immediately and provide the medical professional with relevant information.


  • HPAA Liquid is typically available in the following packaging options:
  • 1. 200L HDPE Drum: It is commonly packaged in 200-liter high-density polyethylene (HDPE) drums. These drums provide a robust and secure container for storing and transporting the product. The HDPE material ensures compatibility and helps prevent leakage or contamination.
  • 2. 1000L IBC (Intermediate Bulk Container): It is also available in larger volumes packaged in 1000-liter IBCs. These containers are convenient for customers requiring larger quantities of the product. IBCs are designed for easy handling and transportation, featuring a pallet base and integrated forklift pockets. Additionally, the packaging can be customized based on customers’ specific requirements. This may include different container sizes or materials, labeling, and additional safety features as per the customer’s needs.
  • Storage: Store in a cool, well-ventilated area indoors, away from direct sunlight and moisture. It is recommended to keep it in a dry environment to prevent degradation. The recommended storage period is twelve months.

Packaging of ATMP HEDP

2-hydroxy phosphonoacetic acid | Phosphonoacetic acid | Water treatment chemical | Industrial chemical | HPAA supplier


Available for direct purchase from our factory, HPAA is priced to be accessible without compromising on quality. This means you can obtain this exceptional product at a competitive rate, making it an economical choice for maintaining your aquatic oasis.


この必需品を手に入れるには 工場直送迅速で手間のかからない出荷をお約束します。包括的な水の除菌ソリューションの検索はここで終了します。


Synonyms refer to 2-Hydroxy Phosphonoacetic Acid include:

  1. HPAA
  2. HPA
  3. 2-Hydroxyphosphonocarboxylic Acid;
  4. Hydroxyphosphono-acetic acid;
  5. 2-Hydroxy phosphonoacetic acid

How to Buy HPAA (2-Hydroxy Phosphonoacetic Acid) from WaterCareChem?

  1. watercarechem.comをご覧ください: お好みのウェブブラウザを開き、検索バーにwatercarechem.comと入力してください。ウォーターケアケムの公式ウェブサイトが表示されます。
  2. 製品ラインナップを見る Once on the website, take your time to explore the wide range of corrosion and scale inhibitors available. Click on the products to access detailed information pages.
  3. WaterCareChemと交渉してください: Once you have found the HPAA product that meets your needs, you can contact WaterCareChem directly to negotiate deals. You may also request samples to evaluate the quality before making a final decision.
  4. 注文する WaterCareChemとのお取引の詳細が決まりましたら、いよいよご注文です。ご希望の数量、製品の種類、具体的な指示など、必要な情報を入力してください。
  5. 製品を検査する: Upon manufacturing completion, you have the option to have a third party inspect the goods to ensure they meet your specific requirements. This step helps ensure the quality and conformity of the HPAA product.
  6. 商品を受け取る: 最後のステップは、商品を受け取ることです。コンテナ一杯のご注文でも、少量のご注文でも、WaterCareChemは信頼性が高く透明性の高い出荷オプションを提供します。また、WaterCareChemは、お客様の指定された港または目的地への出荷を手配することもできます。 コンテナ満載のご注文には、競争力のある料金と効率的な処理プロセスを提供します。少量のご注文の場合は、航空貨物や混載貨物など、費用対効果の高い輸送ソリューションをご利用いただけます。

By follow the above-mentioned steps, you can conveniently purchase HPAA (2-Hydroxy Phosphonoacetic Acid) from WaterCareChem, a trusted supplier of high-quality Water Treatment Products.

Why Buy HPAA (2-Hydroxy Phosphonoacetic Acid) from WaterCareChem?

WaterCareChem is premier Supplier of Innovative Water Treatment Chemicals. Here’s why you should choose us:

  1. 他の追随を許さない品質: When you buy 2-Hydroxy Phosphonoacetic Acid from WaterCareChem, you’re getting it directly from the factory. Our rigorous quality control processes ensure that you receive the high purity 2-Hydroxy Phosphonoacetic Acid available on the market.
  2. 幅広い製品レンジ: WaterCareChem offers a wide range of water treatment chemicals, including 2-Hydroxy Phosphonoacetic Acid, to cater to different requirements.
  3. 専門知識と経験: With our experience, we have a deep understanding of water treatment. Our expert possesses extensive knowledge in the industry and can provide valuable guidance and support. By choosing WaterCareChem, you benefit from our expertise, ensuring that you make informed decisions and achieve optimal results.
  4. カスタマイズ・オプション: WaterCareChem understands that different customers may have unique requirements. We offer customization options for 2-Hydroxy Phosphonoacetic Acid products, allowing you to tailor the formulation, concentration, and packaging according to your specific needs.
  5. 競争力のある価格設定: WaterCareChem strives to offer competitive pricing for our 2-Hydroxy Phosphonoacetic Acid products without compromising on quality. We aim to provide cost-effective products for water treatment, helping you achieve efficient and sustainable results while keeping your expenses in check.
  6. 優れたカスタマーサービス: WaterCareChem is committed to providing exceptional customer service. We prioritize customer satisfaction and aim to exceed expectations at every step of the buying process. Whether you have inquiries, require assistance, or need post-purchase support, our friendly and knowledgeable customer service team is ready to help.
  7. 信頼できるサプライチェーン: Our production base, equipped with automated production line, empowers us with a dependable supply chain that guarantees the timely delivery of your 2-Hydroxy Phosphonoacetic Acid needs.

By choosing WaterCareChem as your supplier of 2-Hydroxy Phosphonoacetic Acid, you can benefit from our high-quality products, industry expertise, customization options, competitive pricing, and excellent customer service. We are dedicated to helping you meet your water treatment needs effectively and efficiently.

Looking to Buy High-Quality HPAA (2-Hydroxy Phosphonoacetic Acid)?

Choose WaterCareChem for Unmatched Excellence! When it comes to 2-Hydroxy Phosphonoacetic Acid, trust the reliability and expertise of WaterCareChem. As a professional supplier and factory Water Treatment Chemicals, we offer a top-notch product that guarantees exceptional stability and effectiveness for your water treatment requirements.






94% STPP Sodium Tripolyphosphate

テックグレード 68% SHMP(ヘキサメタリン酸ナトリウム)

Items インデックス
外観 褐色透明液体
Active acid % 48.0-52.0%
Chloride (as Cl)% 15.0-17.0
Density (20℃) g/cm3 1.35-1.45
pH (1% water solution) 2.0 max
Sequestrant value (mgCaCO3/g) 450 min
Fe, mg/L 35.0 max




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