


Synonyms: PAC; Aluminum chlorohydrate; Aluminum chlorhydroxide; Aluminum chloride basic; Aluminum hydroxychloride; Poly Aluminum Chloride
CAS No.: 1327-41-9
HS Code: 28273200
登場: Milky white powder
Molecular formula: Aln(OH)mCl3n-m (0 < m <3n)
AL2O3: 30%
Technical standard: GB15892-2020
Application: Extensively employed in drinking water treatment, urban water supply, and precision manufacturing water purification. Particularly prominent in the papermaking, pharmaceutical, sugar refining, cosmetic additives, and daily chemical industries.


Your Trusted Poly Aluminum Chloride Supplier: Providing High-Quality Products for Water Treatment

High purity polyaluminum chloride, also known as food-grade polyaluminum chloride, is a product that appears as a milky white powder. Its main raw materials are high-quality aluminum hydroxide and hydrochloric acid. The production process utilizes the most advanced domestic technology, known as spray drying. High purity polyaluminum chloride finds extensive applications in various industries, including the paper industry, medicine, sugar refining, cosmetic additives, and the daily chemical industry. It is particularly used for the purification of drinking water, urban water supply, and precision manufacturing water.

When compared to traditional inorganic coagulants, high-purity polyaluminum chloride offers the following advantages:

  1. Meets papermaking and cosmetics production purity standards with low iron content
  2. Forms flocs rapidly, providing greater processing capacity
  3. Uniform white appearance with excellent flowability
  4. Low turbidity and high stability
  5. Effective within the pH range of 5.0-9.0
  6. Produces minimal residual dissolved salts
  7. Adaptable to changes in turbidity, alkalinity, and organic matter
  8. Efffective in low-temperature and low-turbidity water conditions
  9. Meets national standards for purified water quality with low residual free aluminum content
  10. Low corrosion and superior solubility in powder form

Usage: Prior to use, solid products need to be dissolved and diluted. The optimal dosage can be determined by conducting tests and preparing reagent concentrations based on the specific water quality characteristics.

The solid products are available in concentrations ranging from 2% to 20%. The recommended dosage of the solid product typically falls within the range of 1 to 15 grams per tonne of water. However, the precise dosage should be determined through flocculation tests and experiments.

Packaging and storage:

  • Packaging: The solid product is packaged in 25kg bags, with an inner layer of plastic film and an outer layer of plastic woven material.
  • Storage: Store the Poly Aluminum Chloride products indoors in a dry, well-ventilated, and cool environment, away from moisture. Storage with flammable, corrosive, or toxic substances is strictly prohibited.

Upgrade your water treatment process with Poly Aluminum Chloride — crystal clear water, transformed with care and precision. Embrace the high-caliber, pollution-free water that your facility deserves. Let clarity take its course, catalyzed by Poly Aluminum Chloride.

High Purity Poly Aluminum Chloride

Water Treatment | Flocculant | Coagulant

Direct Factory Purchase of PAC for Accessibility and Affordability

ポリ塩化アルミニウム is conveniently available for direct purchase from WaterCareChem. With a competitive price point, it offers an economical solution without compromising on its exceptional performance, ensuring efficient of your needs.


Get your hands on this product via Factory Directly, ensuring a swift and hassle-free shipment. Your search for a comprehensive Polyaluminum Chloride ends here.


  1. PAC
  2. Aluminum polychloride
  3. Aluminum chlorohydrate
  4. Aluminum hydroxychloride
  5. Liquid PAC
  6. PACl (Poly Aluminum Chloride)
  7. Polyaluminum chloride

なぜ買うのか ポリ塩化アルミニウム WaterCareChemから?

WaterCareChem is premier Supplier of Innovative Water Treatment Chemicals. Here’s why you should choose us:

  1. 他の追随を許さない品質: When you buy  Poly Aluminum Chloride from WaterCareChem, you’re getting it directly from the factory. Our rigorous quality control processes ensure that you receive the high purity 製品 市場に出ている。
  2. 幅広い製品レンジ: WaterCareChem offers a wide range of Water Treatment Chemicals, including ポリ塩化アルミニウムさまざまな要求に応えるためだ。
  3. 専門知識と経験: 私たちの経験により、以下のことを深く理解しています。 ポリ塩化アルミニウム.当社の専門家は、業界における広範な知識を持っており、貴重な指導とサポートを提供することができます。WaterCareChemをお選びいただくことで、当社の専門知識を活用し、十分な情報に基づいた意思決定と最適な結果を得ることができます。
  4. カスタマイズ・オプション: 私たちは、様々なお客様が独自の要件を持っている可能性があることを理解しています。私たちは、以下のカスタマイズオプションを提供しています。 ポリ塩化アルミニウム 製品の処方、濃度、包装をお客様のニーズに合わせて調整することができます。
  5. 競争力のある価格設定: 私たちは、競争力のある価格を提供するよう努めています。 ポリ塩化アルミニウム 水処理に必要な製品を、品質に妥協することなく提供します。私たちは、費用対効果の高い水処理製品を提供することで、お客様が経費を抑えながら効率的で持続可能な結果を達成できるようお手伝いすることを目指しています。
  6. 優れたカスタマーサービス: 私たちは、卓越したカスタマーサービスを提供することをお約束します。お客様にご満足いただけることを第一に考え、購入プロセスのすべての段階においてご期待以上のサービスを提供することを目指しています。お問い合わせ、サポートが必要な場合、購入後のサポートが必要な場合など、フレンドリーで知識豊富なカスタマーサービスチームがお手伝いいたします。
  7. 信頼できるサプライチェーン: 自動化された生産ラインを備えた私たちの生産拠点は、お客様の製品をタイムリーにお届けすることを保証する信頼できるサプライチェーンを持っています。 ポリ塩化アルミニウム ニーズがある。

のサプライヤーとしてWaterCareChemをお選びください。 ポリ塩化アルミニウム, you can benefit from our high-quality products, industry expertise, customization options, competitive pricing, and excellent customer service. We are dedicated to helping you meet your Water Treatment needs effectively and efficiently.

Looking for a reliable source to Polyaluminum Chloride?

Look no further than WaterCareChem! We are your trusted supplier and factory specializing in Poly Aluminum Chloride. With our expertise and commitment to excellence, we provide a premium PAC product that ensures unmatched stability and effectiveness for your Water Treatment needs. Trust WaterCareChem for reliable and top-notch solutions.













Premium Solid Drinking Water Grade Polyaluminum Chloride – Superior Water Treatment Chemical




Different Applications of Poly-Aluminum Chloride (PAC) Produced by Different Processes


    Indicator name インデックス
    National standard Report
    Mass fraction of alumina (AI2O3) /% ≥ 29 29.5
    Basicity /% 40-90 40-60
    Density (20 ℃) / (g / cm) ³) ≥ 1.12
    Mass fraction of insoluble matter /% ≤ 0.6 0.1
    PH value (10g / L aqueous solution) 3.5-5.0 3.8-4.1
    Mass fraction of arsenic (as) /% ≤ 0.0002 0.0001
    Mass fraction of lead (PB) /% ≤ 0.001 0.001
    Mass fraction of cadmium (CD) /% ≤ 0.0002 0.0001
    Mass fraction of mercury (Hg) /% ≤ 0.0001 0.0001
    Mass fraction of hexavalent chromium (Cr6 +) /% ≤ 0.0005 0.0002
    The mass fractions of insoluble matter, iron, arsenic, lead, cadmium and chromium of the products listed in the table are all calculated according to the AI2O3 content of 10.0%, and when the AI2O3 content is >10.0%, the corresponding mass fractions should be calculated according to the actual content converted into the proportion of products with AI2O3 of 10.0%.



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