Polialuminum klorida dapat digunakan dalam pemurnian air rumah tangga, pengolahan air limbah industri, pengolahan limbah perkotaan, dan memiliki efek yang sangat baik pada pengurasan lumpur setelah pengolahan limbah. Oleh karena itu, polialuminum klorida banyak digunakan dalam pengolahan air di berbagai industri dengan menambahkannya ke limbah yang diolah untuk mencapai efek air bersih.
After adding polyaluminum chloride to water, it can reduce the stability of colloidal particles in the water. By destroying the colloidal particles, it achieves the effect of adsorption, coagulation, trapping, and precipitation by polyaluminum chloride to remove pollutants from the water.
In the water treatment of various industries, due to the significant differences in industrial wastewater, it often requires corresponding experimental trials to obtain the accurate dosage of polyaluminum chloride and the specific usage method based on the trial results. Because the wastewater from various industries is complex, polyaluminum chloride alone is sometimes difficult to achieve the desired water treatment effect, and it needs to be combined with corresponding coagulants for treatment. For example, after adding polyaluminum chloride, an appropriate amount of polyacrylamide can be added to the treated sewage to achieve the best water purification effect through the coagulation effect of polyaluminum chloride and the coagulation aid effect of polyacrylamide.
Polyaluminum chloride and polyacrylamide, when used in a reasonable combination, can treat wastewater from many industries. Therefore, users often purchase the corresponding amount of polyacrylamide when purchasing polyaluminum chloride, and use the coagulation effect of polyaluminum chloride and the coagulation and coagulation aid effect of polyacrylamide to achieve a better water purification effect.
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Last Updated on 2024-06-20 by system