Produits chimiques pour le traitement de l'eau | Améliorer la qualité de l'eau avec WaterCareChem

Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS)

Synonymes: Sodium dodecyl sulfate, Sodium monododecyl sulfate, Sodium laurilsulfate, Sodium lauryl sulphate, SLS
No CAS: 151-21-3
Einec No.: 205-788-1
Active matter content: 92%-95%
Lieu d'origine: Chine
Apparence: white to yellowish powder/needle (Colorless to yellowish transparent liquid)
Formule moléculaire: C12H25SO4Na
Application: Sodium Lauryl Sulfate used as an emulsifier, fire extinguishing agent, and textile auxiliary, while also being utilized as a foaming agent in toothpaste, creams, powders, and shampoos.

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Elevate Your Cleaning Standards with Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS): The Great Formulation for Powerful Decontamination, Emulsification, and Long-Lasting Foam!

Experience unmatched cleaning prowess with Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS). Our advanced formulation delivers powerful decontamination, seamless emulsification, and luxurious, long-lasting foam. Elevate your cleaning standards and achieve sparkling results effortlessly.

What is Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) and its applications?

Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) is a surfactant commonly used in various personal care and cleaning products. It is a white or yellowish liquid that is soluble in water. SLS possesses excellent decontamination, emulsifying, and foaming abilities, making it a versatile ingredient in many formulations.

Applications of Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) include:

  1. Detergents: SLS is a key ingredient in liquid and powder detergents used for washing carpets, dishware, and hard surfaces. It effectively removes dirt, grease, and stains.
  2. Personal Care Products: SLS is widely used in shampoos, body washes, hand soaps, and bubble baths for its cleansing and foaming properties. It helps to create rich, stable foam and thoroughly cleanses the skin and hair.
  3. Toothpaste: SLS is used as a foaming agent and surfactant in toothpaste formulations to help disperse the toothpaste evenly in the mouth and ensure thorough cleaning of teeth and gums.
  4. Cosmetics: SLS is found in various cosmetics such as creams, lotions, and makeup products for its emulsifying properties, which help blend oil and water-based ingredients together.
  5. Industrial Applications: In addition to personal care products, SLS is used in industrial applications as an emulsifier, fire retardant, and auxiliary agent in textile manufacturing and plating processes.

Overall, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) is a versatile ingredient that plays a crucial role in formulating effective cleaning and personal care products, ensuring thorough cleansing and a satisfying user experience.

Key Features & Benefits of Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS):

  1. Decontamination: SLS has excellent decontamination properties, making it effective at removing dirt and grime from various surfaces.
  2. Emulsifying: It has strong emulsifying abilities, which means it can help blend together substances that normally do not mix well, such as oil and water.
  3. Rich Foaming: SLS produces rich and long-lasting foam, making it ideal for use in products like shampoos, bubble baths, and hand washes.
  4. Non-toxic and Biodegradable: SLS is considered non-toxic and has good biodegradability, making it environmentally friendly.
  5. Versatile Applications: It is commonly used as a detergent for heavy-duty cleaning tasks such as washing carpets, dishware, and hard surfaces. It is also used in personal care products like shampoos, toothpaste, and cream or powder shampoos.
  6. Customizable Formulation: When combined with other additives, the properties of SLS can be adjusted to reduce irritation, enhance degreasing power, and improve the overall feel of the product.
  7. Wide Industrial Use: In addition to personal care products, SLS finds applications as an emulsifier, fire retardant, textile auxiliary agent, and plating additive in various industries.

Overall, SLS is a versatile and effective ingredient with a range of applications in cleaning, personal care, and industrial settings.

Instructions for Use of Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS):

  1. Dilute SLS with water to achieve the desired concentration for your specific application.
  2. Incorporate the diluted SLS into the formulation during the manufacturing process. Ensure thorough mixing to achieve uniform distribution within the product.
  3. Before incorporating Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) into formulations, conduct compatibility testing with other ingredients to ensure stability and effectiveness of the final product.
  4. Handle Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) with care and wear appropriate personal protective equipment, including gloves and safety goggles, to avoid direct contact with skin and eyes. In case of accidental contact, rinse thoroughly with water.

Precautions for Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS):

  1. Health Hazards: SLS can irritate mucous membranes, upper respiratory tract, eyes, and skin. It may trigger allergic reactions in the respiratory system. Combustion of SLS releases toxic gases like carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and sulfide.
  2. Contact Treatment:
    • Skin Contact: Remove contaminated clothing and rinse with plenty of water.
    • Eye Contact: Rinse with running water or saline, if feel unwell, seek medical attention.
    • Inhalation: Move to fresh air, provide oxygen if breathing is difficult, seek medical help.
    • Ingestion: Drink warm water, induce vomiting, seek medical assistance.
  3. Fire Extinguishing: Firefighters should wear protective gear and use mist water, foam, dry powder, carbon dioxide, or sand as extinguishing agents.
  4. Spill Emergency Treatment:
    • Isolate the area, restrict access, and cut off the fire source.
    • Wear protective gear, avoid raising dust, carefully sweep up and transfer the spillage to a safe place.
  5. Operation Precautions:
    • Conduct operations in airtight environments with enhanced ventilation.
    • Operators must undergo training and adhere strictly to procedures.
    • Wear protective gear, avoid fire, heat sources, and smoking.
    • Use explosion-proof equipment, prevent dust generation, and avoid contact with oxidants.
  6. Disposal Method: Refer to national and local regulations. Incineration is recommended, with sulfur oxides from the incinerator removed through a scrubber.

Packaging and Storage of Sodium Lauryl Sulfate:

  • Options d'emballage: Sodium Lauryl Sulfate is available in different packaging options:

a. Packed in 20kg plastic bag for powder or needle form SLS
b. In 200kg plastic drum or 1000kg IBC drum for liquid SLS.

  • Exigences en matière de stockage:

Keep Sodium Lauryl Sulfate away from fire and heat sources and oxidants, avoid mixing storage by all means.
Store Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) in a cool, well-ventilated warehouse.

  • Durée de conservation:

With proper packing and storage conditions, the guaranteed shelf life is 12 months.

SLS surfactant | Sodium Lauryl Sulfate | SLS supplier | Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate (SDS) | K12

Achat direct en usine pour l'accessibilité et l'abordabilité

Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS), a high-quality cleaning agent, is conveniently available for direct purchase from WaterCareChem. With a competitive price point, it offers an economical solution without compromising on its exceptional performance, ensuring efficient of your needs.

Disponibilité :

Mettez la main sur ce produit par l'intermédiaire de Factory Directly, ce qui garantit une expédition rapide et sans problème. Votre recherche d'un détergent complet se termine ici.

Pour plus d'informations et pour passer commande, contactez notre service commercial dès aujourd'hui.

Synonyms for Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) include:

  1. Sodium dodecyl sulfate
  2. Sodium monododecyl sulfate
  3. Sodium laurilsulfate
  4. Sodium lauryl sulphate
  5. SLS

How to Buy Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) from WaterCareChem?

  1. Visitez le site : Ouvrez votre navigateur préféré et entrez dans la barre de recherche. Vous accéderez ainsi au site officiel de WaterCareChem.
  2. Découvrez la gamme de produits : Une fois sur le site, prenez le temps d'explorer la vaste gamme d'agents de surface disponibles. Cliquez sur les produits pour accéder aux pages d'informations détaillées.
  3. Contactez WaterCareChem et négociez des accords : Une fois que vous avez trouvé le produit surfactant qui répond à vos besoins, vous pouvez contacter WaterCareChem directement pour négocier des accords. Vous pouvez également demander des échantillons pour évaluer la qualité avant de prendre une décision finale.
  4. Passer une commande : Après avoir finalisé les détails de votre accord avec WaterCareChem, il est temps de passer commande. Fournissez les informations nécessaires, telles que la quantité souhaitée, le type de produit et toute instruction spécifique.
  5. Inspecter les produits : Une fois la fabrication terminée, vous avez la possibilité de demander à une tierce partie d'inspecter les produits pour s'assurer qu'ils répondent à vos exigences spécifiques. Cette étape permet de garantir la qualité et la conformité du produit tensioactif.
  6. Recevez vos marchandises : La dernière étape consiste à recevoir vos marchandises. Qu'il s'agisse d'une commande de conteneurs complets ou de plus petites quantités, WaterCareChem propose des options d'expédition fiables et transparentes. Vous pouvez faire appel à votre propre agence de transport pour une expérience sans faille, ou WaterCareChem peut organiser l'expédition vers le port de déchargement ou la destination de votre choix. Pour les commandes de conteneurs complets, des tarifs compétitifs et des processus de manutention efficaces sont proposés. Pour les commandes plus petites, des solutions d'expédition rentables telles que le fret aérien ou les envois groupés sont disponibles.

En suivant les étapes mentionnées ci-dessus, vous pouvez acheter facilement Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) de WaterCareChem, un fournisseur de confiance de produits tensioactifs de haute qualité.

Why Buy Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) from WaterCareChem?

WaterCareChem is premier Supplier of Innovative Surfactant Chemicals. Here’s why you should choose us:

  1. Une qualité inégalée en provenance directe de la source : When you buy Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) from WaterCareChem, you’re getting it directly from the factory. Our rigorous quality control processes ensure that you receive the high purity Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) on the market.
  2. Large gamme de produits : WaterCareChem offers a wide range of Surfactant chemicals, including Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS), to cater to different requirements.
  3. Expertise et expérience : With our experience, we have a deep understanding of surfactant. Our expert possesses extensive knowledge in the industry and can provide valuable guidance and support. By choosing WaterCareChem, you benefit from our expertise, ensuring that you make informed decisions and achieve optimal results.
  4. Options de personnalisation : We understands that different customers may have unique requirements. We offer customization options for Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) products, allowing you to tailor the formulation, concentration, and packaging according to your specific needs.
  5. Prix compétitifs : We strives to offer competitive pricing for our Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) products without compromising on quality. We aim to provide cost-effective products for water treatment, helping you achieve efficient and sustainable results while keeping your expenses in check.
  6. Excellent service à la clientèle : We are committed to providing exceptional customer service. We prioritize customer satisfaction and aim to exceed expectations at every step of the buying process. Whether you have inquiries, require assistance, or need post-purchase support, our friendly and knowledgeable customer service team is ready to help.
  7. Une chaîne d'approvisionnement fiable : Our production base, equipped with automated production line, empowers us with a dependable supply chain that guarantees the timely delivery of your Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) needs.

By choosing WaterCareChem as your supplier of Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS), you can benefit from our high-quality products, industry expertise, customization options, competitive pricing, and excellent customer service. We are dedicated to helping you meet your surfactant needs effectively and efficiently.

Looking for a reliable source to buy Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS)?

Look no further than WaterCareChem! We are your trusted supplier and factory specializing in Surfactants. With our expertise and commitment to excellence, we provide a premium Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) product that ensures unmatched stability and effectiveness for all your Surfactant needs. Trust WaterCareChem for reliable and top-notch solutions.

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Articles Spécifications
Powder Needle Liquid
Active matter content 92%~95% 92%~95% 28%~32%
Apparence 25℃ White to yellowish powder White to yellowish needle Liquide transparent incolore à jaunâtre
Odeur characteristic odor characteristic odor characteristic odor
Substance soluble dans l'éther de pétrole,% 1,5 max. 1,5 max. 1,5 max.
Sulfate de sodium, % 3,0 max. 5.0 max. 1,0 max.
pH value (25℃, 1% 7.5-9.5 7.5-9.5 7.5-9.5
Couleur, Hazen ( 10 max. 10 max. 10 max.
Teneur en eau,% 3.0max. 5.0 max. /



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