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Tech Grade 68% SHMP (Sodium Hexametaphosphate)

Synonyms: Calgon, Graham’s salt, Glassy sodium, Hexasodium metaphosphate, Sodium polymetaphosphate
Nº CAS: 10124-56-8
EINECS No.233-343-1
Purity: 68% min
Place of origin: China
Apariencia: white powder crystals
Molecular formula: (NaPO3)6
Application: SHMP is commonly used in the water treatment industry for scale inhibition, corrosion control, water softening, dispersant properties, pH adjustment, and filtration aid.

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What is Tech Grade 68% SHMP (Sodium Hexametaphosphate) and its applications?

Sodium Hexametaphosphate Tech Grade” refers to technical grade sodium hexametaphosphate products. In chemistry and industry, chemicals are often categorised according to their purity and quality grades. In this case, “Tech Grade” indicates that the product is technical grade and is typically used in industrial applications rather than in food or pharmaceuticals.

Sodium Hexametaphosphate ((NaPO3)6) is a compound consisting of six phosphoric acid groups arranged in a ring structure. It has various applications, including use as a corrosion inhibitor and dispersant in water treatment, as well as in food additives and detergents.

Technical grades of sodium hexametaphosphate are commonly used in industrial applications such as metallurgy, textiles, paper and glass. Technical grade sodium hexametaphosphate may have less stringent purity requirements and scope of application than food or pharmaceutical grade products, but still meets the appropriate industry standards and specifications.

The main applications of SHMP in water treatment field:

  1. Water Treatment: SHMP is widely recognized as an effective water treatment agent across various industries, including industrial, domestic, and wastewater treatment. It exhibits the ability to form soluble complexes with metal ions like calcium, magnesium, and iron, thereby preventing scale formation and enhancing water quality.
  2. Industrial Circulating Cooling Water: SHMP serves as a crucial water treatment agent in industrial circulating cooling water systems, ensuring optimal performance and longevity of the equipment.
  3. Corrosion Inhibitor: SHMP demonstrates its corrosion inhibiting properties in diverse applications, such as safeguarding drilling rods in the petroleum industry from rust and corrosion.
  4. Antiscalant: SHMP acts as an exceptional antiscalant by preventing the precipitation and scaling of insoluble inorganic salts. This quality helps maintain efficient heat transfer in various equipment and systems.
  5. Softening Agent: SHMP is extensively utilized for water softening purposes in numerous industrial applications. It is especially prominent in industries that demand high water quality standards, such as the electrolysis industry, power plant boiler water treatment, and textile industry.
  6. Antifouling Agent: SHMP is employed as a corrosion and antifouling agent in cold exchange equipment. By preventing the formation of scale, it ensures optimal performance and longevity of the equipment.
  7. Corrosion Inhibitor: Acting as a corrosion inhibitor, SHMP effectively retards the corrosion process in metal materials, thereby preserving their physical and mechanical properties.
  8. Adhesion Promoter: SHMP exhibits adhesion-enhancing properties, making it an excellent addition to various coatings. It improves the properties of coatings such as rust inhibitors, detergents, cement curing accelerators, and pulp dispersants.

Key features and Benefits of SHMP (Sodium Hexametaphosphate) include:

  1. High Purity: At an impressive 68% minimum purity, our SHMP meets rigorous industry standards, ensuring top-quality performance for all its applications.
  2. Enhanced Solubility: Fully soluble in water, it provides an alkaline pH of approximately 9.7 in a 1% aqueous solution, promoting ease of use across various processes.
  3. Eco-Friendly: With a composition that is conscious of environmental impact, it features reduced levels of heavy metals and arsenic, adhering to international safety standards.
  4. Multi-Industry Versatility: From water treatment to mining, drilling, and refractory to copier cleaning, its applications are as varied as they are efficient.
  5. Specialized Applications: Fulfills roles as diverse as corrosion inhibition, flotation enhancement, and dyeing aid in sectors that demand rigorous processing standards.

Safety Precautions:

  1. When handling SHMP, make sure to wear appropriate protective equipment, such as gloves and safety goggles, to avoid contact with the skin, eyes, or inhalation of the powder.
  2. Carry out operations and disposal in a well-ventilated area with local or comprehensive ventilation and air exchange facilities.
  3. Keep away from fire and heat sources, and strictly prohibit smoking in the workplace.
  4. If canning is necessary, control the flow rate and ensure the presence of a grounding device to prevent static electricity buildup.
  5. Prevent contact with oxidants and other prohibited substances.
  6. Gentle Handling: Handle SHMP containers with care to avoid damage to packaging and containers.
  7. Wash hands thoroughly after use and prohibit eating and drinking in the workplace.

Packaging and Storage of SHMP (Sodium Hexametaphosphate)

  • The standard packaging for SHMP consists of 25KG bags with a double inner layer of plastic and an outer layer of knitting bag.
  • Customized Packaging: Customers have the option to request packaging modifications based on their specific needs and preferences.


  • Store SHMP in a cool, dry, and well-ventilated area. Avoid exposure to direct sunlight and high temperatures.
  • Maintain a stable temperature to prevent the formation of lumps or caking.
  • Keep SHMP away from sources of ignition, open flames, and incompatible substances.

Moisture Control:

  • SHMP is hygroscopic, meaning it readily absorbs moisture from the air. To minimize moisture absorption, use moisture-resistant packaging or containers with tight seals.
  • Store SHMP away from water sources and high humidity areas.


  • Separate SHMP from incompatible substances, such as strong acids, oxidizers, and reactive chemicals, to prevent potential reactions or contamination.

Palabras clave SEO:

  • Industrial Grade SHMP
  • Sodium Hexametaphosphate
  • Water Treatment SHMP

Compra directa en fábrica para mayor accesibilidad y asequibilidad

Available for direct purchase from our factory, SHMP is priced to be accessible without compromising on quality. This means you can obtain this exceptional product at a competitive rate, making it an economical choice for maintaining your aquatic oasis.


Consiga este producto imprescindible a través de Directamente de fábrica, ensuring a swift and hassle-free shipment. Your search for a comprehensive water softener solution ends here.

Para más información y pedidos, póngase en contacto con nuestro departamento de ventas hoy mismo.

Synonyms refer to (SHMP) Sodium Hexametaphosphate include:

  1. Calgon
  2. Graham’s salt
  3. Glassy sodium
  4. Sodium polyphosphate
  5. Sodium polymetaphosphate
  6. Sodium metaphosphate
  7. Sodium hexametaphosphoric acid
  8. Sodium hexametaphosphate glass
  9. Sodium polyphosphoric acid
  10. Sodium polymetaphosphoric acid

How to Buy (SHMP) Sodium Hexametaphosphate from WaterCareChem?

  1. Visite Abra su navegador web preferido e introduzca en la barra de búsqueda. Esto le llevará a la página web oficial de WaterCareChem.
  2. Explore la gama de productos: Una vez en el sitio web, tómese su tiempo para explorar la amplia gama de inhibidores de corrosión e incrustación disponibles. Haga clic en los productos para acceder a páginas de información detallada.
  3. Póngase en contacto con WaterCareChem y negocie acuerdos: Once you have found the (SHMP) Sodium Hexametaphosphate product that meets your needs, you can contact WaterCareChem directly to negotiate deals. You may also request samples to evaluate the quality before making a final decision.
  4. Haga un pedido: Una vez ultimados los detalles de su acuerdo con WaterCareChem, es el momento de realizar el pedido. Facilite la información necesaria, como la cantidad deseada, el tipo de producto y cualquier instrucción específica.
  5. Inspeccione los productos: Upon manufacturing completion, you have the option to have a third party inspect the goods to ensure they meet your specific requirements. This step helps ensure the quality and conformity of the (SHMP) Sodium Hexametaphosphate product.
  6. Reciba su mercancía: El último paso es recibir su mercancía. Tanto si se trata de un pedido de un contenedor completo como de cantidades más pequeñas, WaterCareChem ofrece opciones de envío fiables y transparentes. Puede utilizar su propia agencia de transporte para una experiencia sin contratiempos, o bien WaterCareChem puede organizar el envío al puerto de descarga o destino que usted designe. Para los pedidos de contenedores completos, se ofrecen tarifas competitivas y procesos de manipulación eficaces. Para pedidos más pequeños, disponemos de soluciones de envío rentables como el transporte aéreo o los envíos consolidados.

By follow the above-mentioned steps, you can conveniently purchase (SHMP) Sodium Hexametaphosphate from WaterCareChem, a trusted supplier of high-quality Water Treatment Products.

Why Buy (SHMP) Sodium Hexametaphosphate from WaterCareChem?

WaterCareChem es el principal proveedor de productos químicos innovadores para el tratamiento del agua. He aquí por qué debería elegirnos:

  1. Calidad inigualable directamente de la fuente: When you buy (SHMP) Sodium Hexametaphosphate from WaterCareChem, you’re getting it directly from the factory. Our rigorous quality control processes ensure that you receive the high purity SHMP available on the market.
  2. Amplia gama de productos: WaterCareChem offers a wide range of water treatment chemicals, including (SHMP) Sodium Hexametaphosphate, to cater to different requirements.
  3. Conocimientos y experiencia: Gracias a nuestra experiencia, conocemos a fondo el tratamiento del agua. Nuestro experto posee amplios conocimientos en el sector y puede proporcionarle una valiosa orientación y apoyo. Al elegir WaterCareChem, usted se beneficia de nuestra experiencia, lo que garantiza que tomará decisiones informadas y logrará resultados óptimos.
  4. Opciones de personalización: WaterCareChem understands that different customers may have unique requirements. We offer customization options for (SHMP) Sodium Hexametaphosphate products, allowing you to tailor the formulation, concentration, and packaging according to your specific needs.
  5. Precios competitivos: WaterCareChem strives to offer competitive pricing for our (SHMP) Sodium Hexametaphosphate products without compromising on quality. We aim to provide cost-effective products for water treatment, helping you achieve efficient and sustainable results while keeping your expenses in check.
  6. Excelente servicio de atención al cliente: WaterCareChem se compromete a ofrecer un servicio al cliente excepcional. Damos prioridad a la satisfacción del cliente y nuestro objetivo es superar sus expectativas en cada paso del proceso de compra. Si tiene alguna pregunta, necesita asistencia o necesita ayuda después de la compra, nuestro amable y experto equipo de atención al cliente está listo para ayudarle.
  7. Cadena de suministro fiable: Our production base, equipped with automated production line, empowers us with a dependable supply chain that guarantees the timely delivery of your (SHMP) Sodium Hexametaphosphate needs.

By choosing WaterCareChem as your supplier of (SHMP) Sodium Hexametaphosphate, you can benefit from our high-quality products, industry expertise, customization options, competitive pricing, and excellent customer service. We are dedicated to helping you meet your water treatment needs effectively and efficiently.

Looking to Buy High-Quality (SHMP) Sodium Hexametaphosphate?

Choose WaterCareChem for Unmatched Excellence! When it comes to SHMP, trust the reliability and expertise of WaterCareChem. As a professional supplier and factory Water Treatment Chemicals, we offer a top-notch product that guarantees exceptional stability and effectiveness for your water treatment requirements.

94% STPP Sodium Tripolyphosphate

Tech Grade 68% SHMP (Sodium Hexametaphosphate)

Artículos Index
Total phosphate   (As P2O5)% ≥68.0%
Inactive phosphate (As P2O5)% ≤7.5%
pH of 1% solution 5.8-7.3
Water insoluble% ≤0.04%
Fe % ≤0.03%



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