Productos químicos para el tratamiento del agua | Mejore la calidad del agua con WaterCareChem


Highly Refined Sodium Process 70% Bleaching Powder: Powerful Whitening Agent for Various Applications

Synonyms: Bleaching Powder, Chlorinated Lime, Cal Hypo, Chlorinated Calcium, HTH (High Test Hypochlorite), Chlorine Bleach, Hydrated Lime Hypochlorite, Calcium Oxychloride, Chlorine Calcium Compound, Hypochlorous Acid Calcium Salt
CAS No.: 7778-54-3
HS Code: 28281000
Place of Origin: China
Apariencia: White powdery and granular
Molecular formula: Ca(ClO)2
Application: Bleaching powder is a versatile disinfectant used in textile manufacturing, water treatment, environmental sanitation, healthcare, food processing, agriculture, and household cleaning.

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Seeking a reliable Bleaching Powder Factory?

WaterCareChem offers Highly Refined Sodium Process Bleaching Powder – 70% Strength, the ideal choice for your needs.

Emerge triumphant in the battle against stains, germs, and dullness with our advanced Highly Refined Sodium Process 70% Bleaching Powder. Designed for industrial champions and cleanliness connoisseurs alike, this product stands at the forefront of hygiene solutions with its potent formula and multipurpose functionality.

Key Features

  • High Chlorine Content: Revel in the power of its enhanced chlorine levels, delivering unparalleled bleaching potency.
  • Superior Stability: Rely on its exceptional stability to maintain effectiveness over time, with minimal degradation at room temperature.
  • High Solubility: Experience hassle-free dissolution in water, creating a highly concentrated solution that leaves behind minimal residue.
  • Powerful Bleaching Agent: Marvel as it restores brilliance in textiles and papers, lending them an unblemished whiteness that stands out.
  • Versatile Application: An indispensable ally across diverse sectors, from water treatment to sanitation, catering to all your hygiene needs.
  • Effective Stain Removal: Bid farewell to stubborn stains—watch them vanish from your fabrics and surfaces.
  • Disinfection and Sanitation: Forge a fortress against microscopic threats with its formidable disinfectant properties, safeguarding health and wellbeing.
  • Odor Control: Take control of unpleasant smells and cultivate a fresh, pristine environment wherever you are.
  • Whitening Agent: It acts as a whitening agent, brightening and restoring the color of fabrics, paper, and other materials.
  • Long Shelf Life: Bleaching powder has a relatively long shelf life when stored properly, ensuring its effectiveness and usability over an extended period.

Common Uses

  • Textile and Paper Whitening: A favorite in the textile and paper industries, transforming materials to their brightest potential.
  • Water Treatment Disinfectant: A guardian of water purity, annihilating harmful organisms to ensure safety in every drop.
  • Household Cleaning Powerhouse: Your go-to solution for evergreen cleanliness in homes, vanquishing stains and unsightly marks with ease.
  • Sanitation Specialist: Trust it to uphold the highest standards of hygiene in public areas, hospitals, and living spaces.
  • Odor Neutralizer: Bid goodbye to offensive odors, and invite freshness into every corner.

Target Audience

Our bleaching powder is incredibly versatile and has a wide range of applications. It is extensively used for environmental disinfection and sterilization of drinking water, as well as in schools, hotels, swimming pools, restaurants, hospitals, factories, poultry, animal husbandry, and aquaculture. Textile Manufacturers, Water Treatment Facilities, and proactive agents in environmental sanitation rely on our product for efficient and effective results. Its broad range of applications makes it an indispensable tool in maintaining cleanliness and preventing the spread of infectious diseases.

Safety Precautions

Dilute our product with clean water before use, avoid mixing it with acids or reducing substances, and take precautions to prevent contact with clothes, skin, and eyes; in case of accidental contact, rinse with water and seek medical advice if needed. Securely store away from heat sources, below 30°C, ensuring longevity and sustained effectiveness.

Packaging Details

Our Bleaching Powder is securely packaged in durable plastic drums that are lined with protective plastic bags. Each drum is available in different net weight options, including 15kg, 40kg, 45kg, and 50kg, ensuring versatility for various applications. Additionally, the packaging drums are prominently marked with an “oxidant” label, indicating the nature of the product for easy identification and handling.

Unique Selling Points

Our bleaching powder sets the bar with its exceptional chlorine concentration, longevity, ease of solubility, versatility, and comprehensive cleaning efficacy. The formulation, crafted with precision and care, ensures you hold the ultimate tool for tackling cleanliness challenges, outperforming other market options with ease.

Elevate your bleaching and cleaning repertoire with Highly Refined Sodium Process 70% Bleaching Powder—where purity meets performance.

Industrial Bleaching Agent | Water Treatment Disinfectant | Powder Whitening

Experience the Difference with Our Bleaching Powder

Contact us today to learn more about our bleaching powder and how it can meet your specific needs. Let us be your trusted partner in achieving excellence in textile manufacturing, water treatment, and environmental sanitation.

Direct Factory Purchase of Bleaching Powder for Accessibility and Affordability

Bleaching Powder is conveniently available for direct purchase from WaterCareChem. With a competitive price point, it offers an economical solution without compromising on its exceptional performance, ensuring efficient of your needs.


Get your hands on this product via Factory Directly, ensuring a swift and hassle-free shipment. Your search for a comprehensive Bleaching Powder ends here.

Para más información y pedidos, póngase en contacto con nuestro departamento de ventas hoy mismo.

Synonyms for Bleaching Powder include:

  1. Calcium hypochlorite
  2. Chlorinated lime
  3. Calcium oxychloride
  4. Chloride of lime
  5. Calcium chlorate
  6. Hypochlorous acid calcium salt

How to Buy Bleaching Powder from WaterCareChem?

  1. Visite Abra su navegador web preferido e introduzca en la barra de búsqueda. Esto le llevará a la página web oficial de WaterCareChem.
  2. Explore la gama de productos: Once on the website, take your time to explore the wide range of Bleaching Powder available. Click on the products to access detailed information pages.
  3. Póngase en contacto con WaterCareChem y negocie acuerdos: Once you have found the product that meets your needs, you can contact WaterCareChem directly to negotiate deals. You may also request samples to evaluate the quality before making a final decision.
  4. Haga un pedido: Una vez ultimados los detalles de su acuerdo con WaterCareChem, es el momento de realizar el pedido. Facilite la información necesaria, como la cantidad deseada, el tipo de producto y cualquier instrucción específica.
  5. Inspeccione los productos: Una vez finalizada la fabricación, tiene la opción de que un tercero inspeccione la mercancía para asegurarse de que cumple sus requisitos específicos. Este paso ayuda a garantizar la calidad y conformidad del producto tensioactivo.
  6. Reciba su mercancía: El último paso es recibir su mercancía. Tanto si se trata de un pedido de un contenedor completo como de cantidades más pequeñas, WaterCareChem ofrece opciones de envío fiables y transparentes. Puede utilizar su propia agencia de transporte para una experiencia sin contratiempos, o bien WaterCareChem puede organizar el envío al puerto de descarga o destino que usted designe. Para los pedidos de contenedores completos, se ofrecen tarifas competitivas y procesos de manipulación eficaces. Para pedidos más pequeños, disponemos de soluciones de envío rentables como el transporte aéreo o los envíos consolidados.

Siguiendo estos pasos, podrá comprar cómodamente Bleaching Powder de WaterCareChem, un proveedor de confianza de productos tensioactivos de alta calidad.

Why Buy Bleaching Powder from WaterCareChem?

WaterCareChem is premier Supplier of Innovative Surfactant Chemicals. Here’s why you should choose us:

  1. Calidad inigualable directamente de la fuente: Al comprar Bleaching Powder from WaterCareChem, you’re getting it directly from the factory. Our rigorous quality control processes ensure that you receive the high purity product en el mercado.
  2. Amplia gama de productos: WaterCareChem offers a wide range of Disinfectant chemicals, including Bleaching Powderpara responder a diferentes necesidades.
  3. Conocimientos y experiencia: With our experience, we have a deep understanding of Hipoclorito de calcio. Our expert possesses extensive knowledge in the industry and can provide valuable guidance and support. By choosing WaterCareChem, you benefit from our expertise, ensuring that you make informed decisions and achieve optimal results.
  4. Opciones de personalización: Somos conscientes de que cada cliente tiene sus propias necesidades. Ofrecemos opciones de personalización para Hipoclorito de calcio que le permiten adaptar la formulación, la concentración y el envasado a sus necesidades específicas.
  5. Precios competitivos: Nos esforzamos por ofrecer precios competitivos para nuestros Hipoclorito de calcio product without compromising on quality. We aim to provide cost-effective products for water treatment, helping you achieve efficient and sustainable results while keeping your expenses in check.
  6. Excelente servicio de atención al cliente: Nos comprometemos a ofrecer un servicio al cliente excepcional. Damos prioridad a la satisfacción del cliente y nuestro objetivo es superar sus expectativas en cada paso del proceso de compra. Si tiene alguna pregunta, necesita asistencia o necesita ayuda después de la compra, nuestro amable y experto equipo de atención al cliente está listo para ayudarle.
  7. Cadena de suministro fiable: Nuestra base de producción, equipada con una línea de producción automatizada, nos permite disponer de una cadena de suministro fiable que garantiza la entrega puntual de sus productos. Hipoclorito de calcio necesidades.

Al elegir WaterCareChem como su proveedor de Bleaching PowderCon nosotros, podrá beneficiarse de nuestros productos de alta calidad, experiencia en el sector, opciones de personalización, precios competitivos y excelente servicio de atención al cliente. Nos dedicamos a ayudarle a satisfacer sus necesidades de tensioactivos con eficacia y eficiencia.

Looking for a reliable source to Bleaching Powder?

Look no further than WaterCareChem! We are your trusted supplier and factory specializing in Calcium Hypochlorite. With our expertise and commitment to excellence, we provide a premium Bleaching Powder product that ensures unmatched stability and effectiveness for your needs. Trust WaterCareChem for reliable and top-notch solutions.

Cloruro cálcico dihidratado: Solución versátil para el control de la humedad y el deshielo

Cloruro cálcico anhidro: Desecante y descongelante versátil y potente

Hipoclorito cálcico en polvo Proceso del calcio: Liberar el poder de la cloración pura

Hipoclorito cálcico sódico Process 65%: Desinfectante superior del agua para una máxima protección

Refined Sodium Process Bleaching Powder – 65% Strength Powerful Whitening and Disinfecting Agent

Highly Refined Sodium Process 70% Bleaching Powder: Powerful Whitening Agent for Various Applications

Calcium Hypochlorite Sodium Process 70%: Powerful Water Disinfectant for Effective Sanitation

Premium Quality Calcium Hypochlorite – Your Trusted Solution for Water Treatment & Sanitation Needs

Hipoclorito sódico (Disponible 5%-13%)

Index Grade I Grade II Grade III
Apprearance White granular or powder
Effective Chlorine (Cl)%  ≥ 70 67 65
Moisture % 4 – 10
Granular Size % 90 87
Yearly Loss of Chlorine % ≤ 3.5



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